Friday, September 7, 2012

Random Writings - Books

  • It's Friday!  Woo hoo!!  I am happy about this fact.
  • The Monthly Menace Express finally left Funkytown and it's now stationed in Normal City.  Thank goodness.
  • I recently made a blueberry cake from scratch loosely following my Berry Natural Strawberry Cake recipe.  The result was an outrageously cookie-monster-blue cake with purple whipped cream frosting that was just as delicious as it was odd to look at. 
  • The blueberry cake was only made because the thing I tried to make, a blueberry roll, failed miserably.  John did eat it and said it was good but I still consider it a fail since I tried to follow a recipe and it did not come out as it was supposed to.
  • I am going to the library to return some books and am really excited to check out new ones.  I do find it a bit overwhelming though to try and figure out what books I want to read.  I am interested in so many things that finding the right book is a bit daunting.  As of late my current choices in books have been non-story books.  I've been in the mood to learn.  To improve.  To do.  Story books, fiction and non-fiction, are great but lately I've wanted to take action.  On my list of books to pick up today are two self improvement/motivational type books and two cookbooks.
  • This weekend shall consist of things such as cleaning the house while watching college football.  That combination sounds delightful at the moment.
  • I still have to post the last day of the photo challenge I started in April.  Maybe I'll do that this weekend too.
How do you pick which books to read?  What is a non-story book that you love and recommend?

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