Thursday, January 24, 2013


Today my little pup is seven years old!  I can't believe it!  To think she's been sidekick and shadow for just about seven years (I got her when she was five weeks old) is unbelievable.  I know she's a puppy dog but I promise I love her like she's my child.  She is so sweet and polite and silly and gross and so much more all wrapped up in a 23 pound ball of fur. 

Can you spot the birthday girl?

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Dear 2013 - Yikes!

Dear 2013,

I appreciate that you're here and bring with you a clean slate but could you possibly stop having my face look like a twelve year old boys' basketball team? 

And in case you're wondering I prefer snow days, puppies, money (and the list goes on) to pimples.


Your pizza faced non-friend

Monday, January 21, 2013

Monday 1-day Goal: Monthly Expenses

Clearly I'm still not back into my blogging stride after WEverb12.  Sorry about that.  But I did think of a Monday 1-day goal for today. 

I'm not sure what got me on this finances kick but I realized I don't know how much I spend each month on bills.  I venture to say I'm pretty good with money and am surprised I don't know even though I pay these bills every single month.  Well I refuse to not know any longer.  Today's goal is for me to get a better understanding of all of my monthly bills.  I'm not talking budget, at least not yet, so I'm not including things without a due date such as groceries, gas, etc.  I think I have an idea and will be really interest to see how far off, or close, I am.  I think this activity will also give me a better idea of how much money I have to "play" with each month on those other things, like the groceries and gas I mentioned but other things too. 

For some reason this activity makes me think:

Have a happy Monday!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Five for Friday - Thankful

I think this will be another recurring blog "segment".  In it I will list five things of the topic of my choosing.

Here are five things I'm thankful for this beautiful Friday afternoon.
  1. I am thankful I get a weekend with my husband.  Weekends that we are both off are few and far between and add in the weekends we're not traveling and it's even less.
  2. I am thankful for a boss who is great to work for a so supportive of me in all things.
  3. I am thankful for redos and new starts.  I slept through the new year celebration this year so this weekend John and I will be redoing the countdown celebration so I can have a symbolic new start after a new year that hasn't been so hot eleven days in.
  4. I am thankful for my little pup and the fact she is feeling better.  She had a seizure and was pretty several days ago throwing up about eight times and completely pitiful - part of the reason this year has not been great thus far.  It was awful to see.  I am so glad she's [mostly] back to her normal, silly, loveable yet gross self.
  5. I am thankful I have a world of possibilities.  Knowing that I can be considered for other jobs because of my qualifications or choose to completely change my career path or field someday down the road just because I want to or really anything else that I can imagine from the big to the small being possible.  It may not always be easy but knowing that it's still a possibility is awesome.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Monday 1-day Goals: Goodbye Christmas

I think I want to start reoccurring blog "segments" (for lack of a better word).  These reoccurring "segments" will help guide my writing, though it still will not likely be an everyday thing.  I'll still throw in random blogs about whatever's going on, if something is going on, but otherwise I'll have something to fall back on.

I haven't really thought about what "segments" I want and kind of only thought of the idea on my way back from Starbucks a few minutes ago.  Mondays "segments" are going to be Monday 1-day goals.  These posts will be an opportunity for me to come up with a goal I can achieve on that specific Monday and hopefully get me feeling productive and ready for a great week.

Today's 1-day goal is to FINALLY take down our Christmas decorations and put them back in the attic.  I think this is the longest I have ever had my tree and decorations still up.  I always think houses look empty after the Christmas trees are put away but I'm also ready to have my house back in it's normal order.  I may take pictures, stay tuned to find out.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Start

Happy New Years reader!  I hope it's a wonderful year for you!