Monday, April 16, 2012

Keep Ya Head Up

Ever have one of those days that started with 4 hours of sleep, getting startled by your alarm, running late so you can't straighten your hair, falling in the middle of the hallway at work and spilling water everywhere, making coffee and the filter somehow gets folded in so your fresh pot of brewed coffee is part coffee part granules, spilling an attempted "saved" cup of said coffee everywhere, typing words that you don't intend - in an order that isn't correct, and an inability to speak correctly when it's only 10:48am? 

I'm having one of those days.  I've never felt this out of it without being on seizure medicines for my migraines. 

However, I won't mark it in the books as a bad day yet just a challenging one. 

At least no one saw me fall, I had clean clothes since I did all my laundry yesterday, and knew what food I was going to pack for breakfast and lunch that was quick (a win when you're running late) and pretty healthy, and I finally got a cup of coffee and it didn't even have any coffee grinds.

Empty coffee cup = More focused me

Now, I'm jamming to some good music on my Pandora stations while focusing really hard on work. 

"Keep ya head up, ooo child things are gonna get easier
Ooo child things are gonna get brighter"
I'll allow myself think Tupac was referring to my day. 

Happy Monday!

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